Newest 50 players:
User NameRatingRT RatingActive gamesMovesRT MovesAction
1Italy GomeZeta is online GomeZeta152516801080600Challenge to a game
2United  Mad Doves125013152146060Challenge to a game
3United  sparrowboat143814002160140Challenge to a game
4Germany  jochen149714001334380Challenge to a game
5Poland danielglowinski is online danielglowinski2043162135770620Challenge to a game
6Serbia  krdza1561156510571681384Challenge to a game
7Turkey  efelek157514857805740Challenge to a game
8Portugal holandes is online holandes169813956433630Challenge to a game
9Indonesia  ucme222169013931298940Challenge to a game
10United cotillion is online cotillion1434140014742190Challenge to a game
11Iran  saman183314005244890Challenge to a game
12Croatia  beowolf516901342215160496Challenge to a game
13United  molehill6120641400182210Challenge to a game
14England  Texhorse143513872164340Challenge to a game
15Ireland Patrick Airlie is online Patrick Airlie2156140012128580Challenge to a game
16Italy  vision19591517138711944590Challenge to a game
17Canada  lodrokunga149014005600400Challenge to a game
18Latvia  alexkli1601139311872920Challenge to a game
19United thompmar is online thompmar12991299106413480Challenge to a game
20Argentina  osopanda1659139622931990Challenge to a game
21United  jamesmack15841400101262140Challenge to a game
22Germany  Sachsenbauer125313856339600Challenge to a game
23United  admin138714000110Challenge to a game
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