RealTime Chess
In contrast to correspondence chess, realtime chess requires both players to be online and present at the board during the game. In this part of the site you will see your opponent's moves in real-time and you both commit to a time frame limit up to a 90 min game. If you wish to play realtime chess, login or sign up with -
For Free registration Click here
- My chess Game setting
- Table of realtime chess invitations
- New chess Board
- Table of online chess players
- Table of chess games
- Realtime chess Chat box
My chess Game setting
This component makes it possible for you to choose the characteristics of the chess game that you are interested in creating such as:
- Type of chess game: rated/unrated
- Time of chess game – you have the option of creating chess games that will last 1/3/5/10/15/30/60/90 minutes
- The color of your chess set and your opponent's set can be black/white or randomly chosen by the system
- Rating of the chess opponent you are interesting in playing against
Table of real time chess invitations
This table centralizes the invitations that you have created and sends them to those you are interested in playing against. There are two kinds of invitations:
- Private chess games invitations – The private invitation lets you invite a specific online player by clicking on the challenge beside the name of the player. Otherwise you can be invited by another player when the private area is clicked upon.
- Public chess games invitations – When you send a public invitation everyone is invited to play with you, or anyone else can invite you to play along with everyone else. As soon as someone accepts this type of invitation, the invitation is cancelled and the area is seen as public.
- The way a chess invitation is accepted or rejected – It is possible to cancel a chess invitation made to you by clicking on "Reject." A chess invitation that you have posted is cancelled by clicking "Cancel." If you wish to accept an invitation and start to play then you must press "Accept" or "Play" and immediately a new window will open with a fresh game.
New chess Board
The new chess Board Features:
If you are the chess inviter:
- After your opponent presses the "Accept" button for your invitation a new window will open automatically with the new board.
- The clock will start automatically.
- Time will adjust once moves are made.
If you have been invited: - After accepting your opponent invitation you will be lead to the open board for play.
- The clock will start immediately, then will adjust automaically once moves are made.
- Messaging - You and opponent can send messages to each other during the game.
- Chess board Preferences - By clicking on the preferences button you can choose your preferences for the board – size/color, etc.
- Important Issues:
- If you have Internet explorer 6 and you are changing the windows size manually then you will have to press the board preferences size to get your pieces again.
- If you are closing the chess board during the chess game – you will lose the game (however, you have few seconds to return back the game to continue).
- You are allowed to play only one game in a time.
Table of Online Chess Players
This table contains all of the players that are online at any given time. You can invite specific players by pressing on challenge to the side of the player's name. Also, this table shows the status of specific players:
- Playing: the player is engaged in a game and cannot be disturbed
- Challenge: the player is available to be invited for a game
Table of Chess games
This table contains all of the games being played at the moment and will enable you to watch the games as spectators. Click on "Observe" to watch a game.
Realtime Chess Chat
Through the chat room you can carry on conversations with the online players.
Important: Additional Limitations and Comments about the Game
- After starting a chess game, all invitations will be cancelled, and all the invitations that you have sent out will be erased.
- At this point, only one game can be played.
Later on, a number of games will be enabled for premium players, along with other options for advanced players. - If you have closed a chess game in the midst of a game, and do not return, it will be considered a forfeited game.
- It may be necessary to wait a few seconds until a chess board opens.