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ChessHere.com Rules


When selecting a username, please avoid offensive words.

Multiple Accounts

It is not allowed for one person to have more than one account at the same time at ChessHere.com. If two people use the same computer, one of them has be a premium member and they should not play each other. Otherwise, both accounts will be suspended.

Forum Posts

Everyone can post in the Chess Forums, but only Premium Members can create a new topic. Please check for threads already started with same subject before creating a new thread. If there is one, post your comments in there. Creating multiple threads with the same subject makes it difficult for members to find what they want.

Personal Attacks

You are not allowed to make personal attacks against other members of Chesshere in public forums. If you do so you will be banned from the forums. If you have a complaint against a member, please send the following information to admin using the Contact Us form: 1) Players Username 2) Explain your complaint 3) If the complaint involves a game, include a link to that game.

Chess Computer Programs

You are allowed to use a computer database for the opening of your game, but once the database opening ends you are not allowed to use a chess program to suggest moves in your game.

Placing Ads to Other Chess Sites and/or Businesses

It is illegal to place an ad for any other chess site anywhere visible by the public. This is also true of a business product. The only exception to this rule is if a person posts an address where a program may be downloaded for free in order to help another person with computer problems (such as Firefox or SuperAntiSpyware).

Rating Manipulation

Rating manipulation of any kind is forbidden and once evidence has been shown that a person has thrown games he/she will be removed from the site and their login name will appear in a public list in the Chess Forums. If you break one of these rules your account will either receive a ban or you could be suspended permanently.


The game is available for purchase on ChessHere.com to play chess for real money. If you win real money game then your real balance will be increase. If you lost real money game then your real balance will decrease. The currently supported payment method PayPal. Earned prices by players can withdraw their earned real Balance into their paypal account and transfer payment charges may be deduct from withdrawal request if applicable and remaining payment will be processed. At this moment we process payment only via by paypal.

Payment Handling

Funds can be withdrawn to a Paypal account. To be eligible for withdrawal, you must have a minimum balance of $4. Revenues are only made available for withdrawal after a safety clearance period of 12 to 14 days. Withdrawals are final and cannot be reversed. ChessHere.com charges a service fee of 10%.

Refund Policy

In the event, that there is an error in the services provided, we will refund the money, provided the reasons are genuine and proved after investigation.

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