
TitleBut Fisher was the best
Descriptionwith correct play, black has a good chance of remaining unharmed
OrganizerItaly  rebussinoChessHere Gold Member
ThematicSicilian, Najdorf [ Show it to me!]
Status Players Days per move Started at Finished at
Tournament PGNDownload
Games table
Playervs 1vs 2vs 3vs 4vs 5
1. Italy  rebussinoChessHere Gold Member----
2. Brazil  Hatsek----
3. Brazil web2 is online web2----
4. International  ----
5. Romania  florin helmis----
Results table
1. Italy  rebussinoChessHere Gold Member (2286)7017.5
2. Brazil  Hatsek (1690)6116.5
3. Brazil web2 is online web2 (1512)4404
4. International   (1497)2602
5. Romania  florin helmis (1305)0800

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