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Player: Italy rebussino is online rebussinoChessHere Gold Member Subject: I Have a problem

2019-09-03 00:24:41
For three days the list of my games didn't appear either on google or on microsoft edge. They don't even appear on my ipad, but luckily I can see them on Firefox and on my Iphone, but I'm afraid that soon I won't even see them there so when I finish playing I go on a forced vacation. In practice, once I have login, I get the message, "Correspondence allows two players to play without having to be online. Once a player makes a move to the system experience that let you get excited every time the board comes up. If you wish to play, sign up with Chesshere.com" I have reported this fault to the administrator twice. Can someone help me? Thank you
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4Italy rebussino is online rebussinoChessHere Gold Member2019-09-03 09:58:35
thank you

5Romania florin helmis is online florin helmis2019-09-19 07:33:48
Hello! I have a problem too and you can t figure it out how to open a new topic.
It s happening for three days now. The board is empty at any of my ongoing games. I tried to login from many devices. Do you know whats' s wrong? Can you help me? Thank you!

6Romania florin helmis is online florin helmis2019-09-19 07:45:35
I need to say that I activated my account, as I was menntioned in one message from chesshere. Thank you!

7Romania florin helmis is online florin helmis2019-09-20 05:04:19
What I was trying to say is that I didn't see the pieces on the boards. But I wrote to support and now it's all fine. Thank you!

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