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Player: United  neverherebeforeChessHere Gold Member Subject: RTC playing area...

2019-10-01 12:19:37
If anyone experiences bugs or errors there please use the contact us form and report it asap..........thank you very much
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8United  neverherebeforeChessHere Gold Member2020-01-25 20:00:25
I asked the admin to add a symbol by RTC on the front page to show that someone is there. They didn't understand me Perhaps you'll have better luck

I think you should put up a RTC poll. How often do you visit the RTC area in a week? How many games do you play in a week?

9United  admin2020-02-06 23:53:41
Thank you for sharing your idea with us, we greatly appreciate it.
You'll be notified by our support team when this feature(s) is implemented.

10United  admin2020-02-07 06:26:20
@neverherebefore, You can see who is online using your top menu -> Players -> Online Chess Players

11United  admin2020-02-27 15:17:22
Fixed, you need to clear cookies to see these changes.

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12United  admin2020-02-29 04:22:36
Yes, on the top menu (near the RTC icon) there is a green number - this is the number of players in real time and shows the number of the people who are waiting for a RTC game.
Nearby, the red number shows the total number of public and private invitations to play in the RTC area:
If you saw a red number greater than zero >0 , then invitations appeared to you personally or for any player (public) you can go into this RTC area, select a game from the "Invitations Center" table and click the "Join" button to start the game with your opponent.

13United  neverherebeforeChessHere Gold Member2020-04-09 10:39:38
39 there currently!

14United  admin2020-07-31 16:09:13
please clear Cookies on other browser.

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