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Player: Italy rebussino is online rebussinoChessHere Gold Member Subject: I want stay here

2019-11-24 01:33:43
I am convinced that one of the reasons why Chesshere is struggling to recover is also due to the tournament formula. The tournament organized by a simple player, about my opinion, works very little. Absolute championships are also missing. How to fix it?
I think we need to appoint a tournament director. A person who also acts as an
referee. He can ban them according to the flow of members. It can also invite players through a simple message. usuallythe invitation is gratifying and the answer to 70 percent is always yes. Does Chessehere have this person at his
arrangement? Look who organizes more tournaments than all the others and ask for it.
Another suggestion. Introducing Know-Down tournaments. Sixteen subscribers without limit, four rounds. First, second, semifinals, final. Who wins goes on, who loses consoles. I believe that this formula can increase interest. Then maybe I'm wrong. But the news always does well.
I apologize for my Google english
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2United  admin2019-11-24 12:54:03
Thank you for your wonderful idea )