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Forums -> For a better ChessHere

Player: Sweden  Trunus Subject: New member!

2020-12-08 14:08:46
Hello! I´m a new paying member of Chesshere since today, but I´m not new to Chesshere. I have been a free member since 2006 with an earlier account I deleted some time ago, because I got an ugly bunch of timeouts I wanted to start with a new fresh account. The best with Chesshere is the awesome possiblities to start thematic games in very much different openings. It´s the best function, better than on all other correspondence chess sites I know. The worst thing with Chesshere is only one, but rather serious! It´s so few players here! How can we can change that? Ideas or suggestions?
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1United  admin2021-03-29 00:41:04
Of course! It would be great if you invite more people to our site, invite your friends from social networks..
You are welcome!

2United  neverherebeforeChessHere Gold Member2024-01-05 09:17:44
testing 123

3United  admin2024-01-21 11:11:13
You are welcome!