Team: Brazilian Team
Captain: International  
Score: 779, ELO Rating: 1274
Created at: 2005-05-25
Status: nonactive team
Team challenges | Past members

O BT é um time internacional para praticantes de xadrez

El BT es una equipo internacional para los amantes del ajedrez

Le BT est une équipe internationale de joueurs de échecs

The BT is a international team for chess players

Recomendações: Sem timeouts, companheirismo, integridade e muita luta.

Highest ELO: 1609 at August 4th 2008,
The most victorious team of Chesshere with 749 wins at May 31st 2011
Teams Forum:
Won Lost Drawn Total Score
2128 1349 246 3723 779
Active Members
# Name Rating Won Lost Drawn Total Timeouts Active score